God is really awesome isn't He?He is known as the great Provider and He is so true to His name.I've found an ever present faithfulness as I continually reach out to Him when I feel lonely or confused by the commotion of this world.I've been learning more and more lately why God says in His Word we don't belong here.We are aliens on this planet and this place is not our home.That's kinda weird to think about isn't it?Knowing that your home is a place where you've never been!It's exciting, but mysterious at the same time!I love it!I love the fact that God is there waiting with oustretched arms even though He knows if we are going to accept him or not.He's there waiting with His unconditional love, that we don't deserve, but yet He still gives willingly.
Sometimes this world can get me down with it's partying, noise, foul language, smoking and drinking.I constantly think to myself, "why" why would Jesus love me or any of these people for that fact.We don't stand a chance, yet Jesus died for us so we can have that free second chance.For that . . . I am forever grateful!Sometimes, I just can't wait until our Lord and Savior comes back to reclaim what is His!I just can't wait until I am together with all my friends, family, and any Christians I've ever met in this world, and we are finally home worshipping our Creator in all His splendor and majesty!Maranatha!
The thanks and ALL the glory goes to you God: the Creator of this universe, and the One that chooses to give each and every one of us breath.You love us when we are unlovable, undesirable, unforgiving, and cold-hearted.Thank - you from my innermost being.I love you so much and cannot wait to see what you have in store for my future!