Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Song Lyrics

Look What You've Done

Look what you've done for me
Your blood has set me free
Jesus my Lord look what you've done for me
I haven't been the same ever since that day I called your name
Yahweh, Yahweh, look what you've done for me

What can I do for you my Lord?
I want you to know my heart is yours
It's not a question of what I can do for you
But what can I do for you my Lord?

Up to your cross I crawl
now I am standing ten feet tall
Jesus my Savior look what you've done for me

Free at last I'm free
I owe you my life completely
Yahweh, Yahweh, look what you've done for me

Over and Over

whatever I hear you say I'll do
whatever you want I want it too
whatever you say
whatever you want
I live for you

wherever I run I run to you
wherever you lead I'm going too
wherever I go
whever you are
I live for you

and I give myself away
every single day
over and over again
you're the only thing that's true
and I give myself to you
over and over again

there are so many ways to say
the one thing I feel today
all I want is all you want
I live for you

and I give myself away
every single day
over and over again
you're the only thing that's true
and I give myself to you
over and over again

all I want
is all you want
to live for you

and I will always give myself away
every single day
over and over again
you're the only thing that's true
and I give myself to you
over and over again

you're the only thing that's true
so I give myself to you
over and over again

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