Friday, January 26, 2007

Passed From This Earth

How is it that when someone has
Passed from this earth
We miss them more then when
They were here with us
But yet we don't think about them
Unless a song, word or thought
Crosses our mind from the past

Sometimes I think I'm stuck in the past
Living nowhere in the present
Yet, not even ready for the future

When life comes rushing at me
Offering it's goods and feelings
Grasping at me with it's clutches
It overwhelmes me
With it's fleshy mortality
All I want is
To keep my head in the clouds
And my eyes focused on God
But this earth calls me
To it's gravity

Though I want so much
To be out of this body
And to be home with my dad
I press on to live in this world
To live as God calls
Until He comes for His people

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